

If Sweden is to succeed in achieving its climate goals and reduce emissions of green house gases our industry must reset. That’s what the Industrial Leap is all about.

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The Industrial Leap

Varför behöver industrin ställa om?

Riksdagen har antagit klimatmålet att Sverige inte ska ha några nettoutsläpp av växthusgaser 2045, och därefter uppnå negativa utsläpp. Sveriges industrier är centrala i den omställningen, och står i dagsläget för en tredjedel av alla utsläpp av växthusgaser som uppstår inom Sveriges gränser.

Industrierna har en stor potential att kunna bli världsledande inom sina olika branscher om de kan ställa om sin verksamhet. Dels genom att minska sina egna utsläpp men också genom att bidra till minskad klimatpåverkan längre ner i värdekedjan och bidra till hela samhällets omställning.

Läs mer om industrins omställning i Energimyndighetens nulägesanalys.

Emissions from the Swedish industrial sector

Source: The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and the Statistics Sweden, adapted by the Swedish Energy Agency.

Why does the industrial sector need to transform?

The Swedish Riksdag has established climate goals to the effect that Sweden will have eliminated net emissions of green house gases by 2045 and from that date will achieve negative emissions. The Swedish industrial sector is an essential part of this transformation, and currently accounts for one third of the emission of green house gases within Sweden’s borders.

Swedish industrial companies have enormous potential to become world leaders within their various fields if they can adapt their operations to benefit the environment.

What is the Industrial Leap?

To enable the Swedish industrial sector to successfully transform, the government has assigned the responsibility for launching the Industrial Leap to the Swedish Energy Agency.  The Industrial Leap will facilitate industrial transition by providing funding for innovative projects which will benefit the environment. The Industrial Leap is part of a greater, global transition. It is not only the Swedish industrial sector which needs to transform. In order to compete on the world market, industries in many countries need to find ways of reducing their emissions.

The projects displayed on this page are all approved projects within Industriklivet from the beginning of 2018 to mid-May 2024.

The Industrial Leap is part of the EU initiative – Next Generation EU, which aims to promote a healthier, greener and more digital Europe. Read more about this initiative here.


Sweden is transforming

Through the Industrial Leap the Swedish Energy Agency co-finances innovative solutions with industrial enterprises throughout Sweden. The map shows all the projects which are about to be implemented and the time they will be in operation.

Every year, the Swedish Energy Agency grants hundreds of millions of Swedish Kronor to Swedish companies – both large and small – who seek to reduce their emissions and provide the world with emission-free industrial products.

A large proportion of the funding from the Industrial Leap goes to the iron and steel industry, to the chemical industry and to refineries – as emissions are the largest in these sectors.

Industriklivet ger bidrag till förstudier, forsknings-, pilot- och demonstrationsprojekt och investeringar inom tre områden:

Område 1 – processindustrins utsläpp av växthusgaser
Område 2 – negativa utsläpp
Område 3 – strategiskt viktiga insatser inom industrin

Alla projekt har målet att ställa om industrin till minskade fossila utsläpp eller att uppnå negativa utsläpp. Läs mer om respektive område här.

What kind of projects receive funding?

Would you like to know more about a project?

Each hexagon in the diagram represents a project which has been granted funding. In the menu bar you can sort the projects according to funding, industrial sector, technology, or goal. By clicking on a hexagon, you can also find out more about a particular project.

Projects funded by the Industrial Leap

The Industrial Leap facilitates societal transformation

The aim of the Industrial Leap is not just to create the conditions for a fossil-free industry but also for a fossil-free society.

The more emission-free industrial products there are, the lower the impact on the climate from other parts of society will be. Take for example an electrically powered car made of fossil-free steel and sprayed with emission-free paint, parked in a garage built of fossil-free cement. All this would enable a huge reduction in emissions for society compared to the situation today.

The Industrial Leap also provides funding for initiatives which can increase the level of negative emissions through the capture and storage of what is called biomass-based carbon dioxide. Negative emission is a complementary measure which can reduce emissions and will be essential if Sweden is to achieve its goal of net zero emissions.

Would you like to be part of the Industrial leap?

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Avslutningsår för pågående projekt

Sweden can become a world leader

We can already see that the Industrial Leap contributes to the transformation. The first solutions meant to reduce the most critical emissions are about to become implemented, and new jobs are created throughout Sweden. As new markets emerge and the demand for fossile-free industrial products increase, industries are left with ever more competitive products in relation to other countries.

Sweden has what it takes to lead the way in the global transformation of industry. And the Industrial Leap is the driving force behind this development.

Gesture, Line
What is an accordion?
A graphical control element comprising a vertically stacked list of elements. An accordion is similar in purpose to a tabbed interface, a list of items where exactly one item is expanded into a panel to reveal additional information.
When and how should it be used?
Accordions are a smart way to present lengthy bodies of text to your users without overloading them with information. Since information from only one panel is revealed at a time, users can choose and focus on the details that matter most to them.
What if the user clicks on a collapsed panel while another panel is open?
The currently opened panel will automatically collapse and the newly clicked panel will expand. Only one panel will be open at a time.
Why is my accordion being hidden behind other elements placed below it?
If another element is placed on a layer that is above the layer of the text accordion, the text accordion will appear tucked beneath it. Simply move your text accordion to a higher layer so it is above other elements.

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